[ 31.7.01 ]


Charles Manson

Oops! Almost forgot the horrible crime of the day...Actually..compared with some stories I've read, this one isn't that bad. But Charles Manson is a popular most people have heard, so I thought I'd go ahead and do it.

Val [8:50 PM]


I can remember doing duplicate personalities on the internet for a very long time. I guess it's kind of like having an imaginary friend or something. Well, not really. It started out simple. It started out at the first website I ever started to visit..which is under the link of weird stuff, on the sidebar. It's made partly of bulletin boards. Also called message boards. Back then, I wasn't very good at coming up with popular subjects of interest..I guess I'm still not that good..but believe me, I was waaaaaaay worse back then.

Speaking of waaaaaaay anything.....that's where I visited, the Waaaaaaay Out board.

Anyway, I created an alternate personality in order to help me out. Just someone to reply to my articles when no one else was. I'm not going to say who that alternate personality was. It's actually kind of interesting..she evolved over time into a completely separate individual from the original (Me). Why, she even had different friends than I did! People who didn't like me, liked her. It was weird. Especially since we were both the same person.

Heck..I was smart. I created everything for her. I gave her a job, e-mail address, name it, she probably had it. I even created a special file for her so that I could keep up with remembering all those important facts about her life..who she was dating, what her birthday was, how old she was..

So from then on out, I started creating other people..just where they were needed. If I need another viewpoint, I brought them in. If I needed someone who was a bit cruder than I was willing to be..hey, I created another person.

Over time, I stopped visiting Waaaaaaay Out so much and transferred over to the SpaceScopes board..As it turned out..over time, people stopped visiting those boards so much. And there's a different thread for each sign of the Zodiac...Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

And as people left these sites..I became desperate to find new people to talk to the ones that were still hanging around. So I started creating different people for each different sign of the Zodiac. They weren't all as well developed as my first creation..but they had a name, a birthday..maybe some interests, favorite colors..and so on. It was only when I realized that I was mostly talking to myself..that's when I left. The name, "lastcrazyhorn" was a name seen there occasionally..just a drifter. Actually, then it was TheLastCrazyHorn.

So I moved on.

Val [7:07 PM]

[ 30.7.01 ]


I'd also like to say that feedback is always can e-mail me anytime..

Val [11:23 PM]


My brother talks about politics on his mom tells me that I should talk about something of substance as well.. not be so centered on myself. But where's the fun in that? I mean, the purpose of having a website (at least in my opinion), is so you can have the rest of the world focus in on your world for a while..if only for a page or two.

I'll tell you a few things though..I won't always talk about myself..but until we get to know each other a little better, I might as well explain my history. I live out here on the east coast, where I currently am soon to be a senior in high school. I'm in marching and concert band. My band director is a crazy guy...I guess I'm not going to say "old guy," because he's only 55. I'm surrounded by lots of neat people in the band..sometimes we don't all see eye to eye..and sometimes we're not exactly all friends..but they're a great bunch of people and I'm proud to be able to say that I knew them when
More about the band...Like I said, our size of our marching band this year has dropped..last year, I believe that we had 112 or so in marching band..this year, only 84. I've gotten this reputation over the past year for almost always being right. It's not that I'm right all of the's just that I make an effort to be so. See, my first year in band..that would have been my sophomore year (I was 15)..I was one of the few people whom Mr. Hendrick (my band director), decided to pick on the entire year..Those few get to be yelled at the most the entire season about every mistake they make..all the time. I messed up so much.. Probably worse than any of the sophomores that I've known since. I was really awful. I couldn't figure out how to march with the music..which foot to go where...staying in step, staying equal distance between two name it, I could not do it to save my life. So I got yelled at all year. But that next year..I knew what I had done wrong..I was bound and determined not to let that happen again. Sure, you might want to be the center of attention..but not like that. So last year (my junior year), I earned a reputation for always being right.

Perhaps the band this time?..a bunch of crazy people..that's us. And somehow, this crazy bunch is brought function as one working the help of our crazy band director. Mr. Hendrick has taught me more than any of my other teachers combined..he has taught me about life..about music (of course)..about relationships with people..about emotions: laughter, sad times, angry times..just plain silly times..I think it is partly due to his wise (he'd never believe I'd say he was wise)..and thoughtful and caring leadership that we as a band, are where we are today. We may not have the best show in the whole state of North Carolina..nor the biggest or the best..but we are a family.. and I would gladly stand up for anyone in our band..(I'm not always sure that they would do the same for me)..but I would stand up for them. They're a good bunch of people..and like I said before, I'm proud to know them

Val [11:19 PM]


There are some seriously funky websites out there..I was poking around one day..just putting in random website addresses..found a weird place called They've toned it down a bit in the last couple of years..but you should have seen it when. Anyway, as it turns out..if you hit the right sequence of buttons or takes you its/a base website.. The website it takes you to is weirder than the one you started out with! It's disinfo..strange website. This website sometimes works..and other days, it does not. All about government conspiracies and what news you don't hear...yet they have it. Freaky stuff. And gettin' a straight answer at that place is out of the click on a link, it takes you to another place that is about as weird as the place you came from..then leads you off somewhere else. Sheesh. But for some reason I have an e-mail address there. I have no idea why. Hm. I never use it.

Val [6:48 PM]


The Torturing Death of Sylvia Marie Likens

Some people are seriously messed up. This group of people are some of them.. Murderer of this poor girl? Gertrude Baniszewski
Warning: Not for the weak stomached

Val [6:33 PM]

[ 29.7.01 ]


Our band is going to be good this year.... I can feel it. The sophomores this year are a whole lot nicer than the ones last year. This year, they're even willing to talk to me. I feel special. :)
Our marching band is smaller this year..partly due to a couple of different reasons..1..we had a big senior class graduate out of the band..2..we had a small sophomore band group come up..and 3..we had a bunch of people drop out.
The sophomores are nice this year..there's a couple of sophomore guys who keep asking me to eat lunch with them everyday. =) That never happened last year..girls or guys. I can only think of a few nice juniors this year (last year's sophomores)..I might as well mention their names..because I might mention them later.. a few of the nice ones were as follows..Brandon, Chris (who seems to have a crush on me), Josh, Kira, Elizabeth..and that's about it for now..

Val [8:59 PM]


James Bulger

Awful story of the day..something I will start up until I run out of them.. if you haven't read about this poor kid, or have never heard about this poor kid..I suggest you do so now. James Bulger Gosh..people just disgust me sometimes.. an innocent child.. that pisses me off too.

Remember..if you don't want to be depressed..don't read this site.. go to the sister site.

Val [4:44 PM] interesting thing happened a little while ago..I was talking with this guy in a poker chat room..and he acted like he knew me or something..asking me how I was..yada yada yada..when suddenly he starts telling me how beautiful I am. How soft my skin is and "wow you're an angel..can I play with your halo?"..hmm. so he asks me into a more private chat room..I accept, figuring it'd be interesting if nothing he seems really nice, right? Turns out, (I saw this coming)..he wants us to be email lovers..and then he wants me to give him my address so we can be pen pals..I'm not that stupid. Nope.

The last time I talked to a guy like that on the internet..I asked him to leave me alone, then I left the room..he followed me and said,"What? I won't make you scream.." creepy.

Val [4:30 PM]


Gosh that hurt..last the middle of playing an online poker game, I ran into the kitchen (barefooted) to get some chocolate..when suddenly I ran into the body went one way and my toes of my [left] foot went another way..just the last 3. Oh my oh my....Gosh that hurt!!!!!!! My toe is purple today..I can't walk on it without shoes..and what the hell am I going to do about band tomorrow? It wouldn't be so bad, except the marching bit. And marching backwards requires you to do it on your toes. Uh oh...I can barely walk, let alone march on my toes..crap. This is not good.

Val [1:49 PM]


Dum de dum dum... So I was thinking today.. maybe I should actually put something down of substance. Not like that homework that I sorta do sometimes..I put some key figures in, I write enough to make it look done..and I leave it at that. Not always, but sometimes. That is not substance. Well...I can tell you some of the websites I visit..that might be good. Oh and my brother also has a blog..a much better one, but then again, he's been doing it for longer and he is older. It can be found here. I get to know this site better, I will put more stuff on it..and get an idea of what I can write easily..and what stuff takes me longer.

Val [12:37 PM]


Exceedingly sad story Read it..pisses me off.

Val [12:33 AM]

[ 28.7.01 ]


I can imagine just what she'd say if she were to read some of the things I would like to put down..actually this page may mirror the other page sometimes..but sometimes delve deeper into other stuff.

Val [7:18 PM]


Yeah..whatever. my other website is for my cheerful interesting things..less weird ones. so, if you want to see cheerful things..don't read here.

Val [6:54 PM]


Alright..this is that one..the one that is not for my mother's worrying eyes..the one that maybe no one knows about..I don't know. Maybe they do and I'm just deceiving myself. But I'm hoping that she doesn't know about it.

Val [6:46 PM]

x ::o ::x